Select tickets Personal details Check Pay If you’re visiting the National Military Museum with a Museumkaart, VriendenLoterij VIP card or Vrienden NMM card, there is no charge and you can go straight to the access gates. If you have a Defence Department or Veteran’s card, a Military War and Service Casualty card, Post-Active card or Rembrandtkaart, you will get a free ticket at the front desk when you show your card. Museum tickets Type of ticket Price Amount Total Adults (aged 13 and over) € 19.00 € 0.00 Child aged 4 to 12 € 10.50 € 0.00 Student/CJP * € 14.50 € 0.00 Subtotal € 0 * Always bring your actual Museumkaart or Vrienden NMM card with you. The VriendenLoterij VIP card (front and back), CJP card and student card can be shown digitally. You can get one ticket per card. Event tickets Type of ticket Price Date/time Amount Total Nacht van de Militaire Muziek € 37.50 Choose Available times First choose a date here Choose time No availability Try again please Cancel OK € 0.00 Nacht van de Militaire Muziek Vrienden NMM € 30.00 Choose Available times First choose a date here Choose time No availability Try again please Cancel OK € 0.00 Subtotal € 0.00 * The music festival is only accessible with a ticket for the Night of Military Music. Did you buy a ticket with a Friends NMM pass? Then bring your pass. If you have a discount code, please enter it below. Exchange Next step